Thursday, July 9, 2009

Airport Comedy

This is just too good NOT to write about. I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to Chicago (I am going to visit my friend Meghan for the weekend). But before I got to my gray and black plastic chair, I had a a couple of crazy mishaps that any comedy writer would be excited to have!
P.S. excuse my grammar, I am getting on the plane in a I am not proof reading (sorry Bethany)
So, I through the ticket process ok. No big deal, but when I got to the check-point for my bags, I got all the way to the front and the lady told me I went to the North side instead of the South side. I had to walk all the way to the other side of the airport and go through the Disneyland style roping to get to the front. The guy who checked my ID was really nice. THEN I put my stuff in the gray buckets (why is everything gray) and I kept waiting. I put my bags on the conveyor belt and the lady yelled at me, so I pulled them back, then one tray slipped forward and she yelled again! Once I got through that, I went to find something to eat. I am a vegetarian and there is no good food for vegetarians. So i ended up with an $11.60 fruit cup and yogurt parfait. After my yummy and filling meal(hear the sarcasm), I went to get some magazines and some snacks. As I was finishing my purchase, I dumped the entire contents of my purse out onto the stacks of magazines below. THEN to top it all off, when I gathered all of my things, I hit my head on the way up. Ugg! Well, I have to go so I can catch my plane! I don't want to miss that!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Breaking through the Scotomas!

I have decided to make this summer a summer of discovery for myself. I took this 21 Keys Seminar at the beginning of the summer. It was a self help seminar. One of those "think positively and anything is possible" type deals. I am all up for that and I do try to think positive on a regular basis, but one of the most interesting things I got from the seminar was the idea of a scotoma. A scotoma is a blind spot. When you do don't want to try something new, you develop a scotoma to it. I am learning this summer to wipe some of my scotomas away and I have to say, it has been very liberating.

One of the first things I did this summer was actually blogging and letting people know about my blog! It was a big deal for me! That came with the 48 hour Book Challenge! I also started writing more frequently. I started working with a writing group and it has forced me to sit down and WRITE!
This summer I even changed it up with my routine in the gym. I went to a zumba class. It is a dance aerobics class using hip-hop, salsa, and other Latin dances to getting you moving and sweating. I stood in the back and fumbled my way through some of the moves, but did it with a huge smile on my face! I have always wanted to take a dance class, so I am hoping if I can catch on to some of these moves, then maybe a beginning dance class is in my near future.
My next scotoma to overcome, spin class! AHH! SCARY!!
Another scotoma I had to overcome, was the mall. I have been working on my fashion. I have always been one of those t-shirt and jeans kind of girls. And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that, but I had this friend who always brought me down and made me feel like I needed to wear really dim and dull colors. She always gave me the wrong advice and honestly, now that I look back on it, I know she wasn't a good friend, hence, why we are not friends anymore. Now, I am so excited because I love wearing color and patterns and trying new styles and arrangements. The mall, which used to be a scary place for me, is now a palace of fashion and style; a place where I can find new ways to express myself.
I have been opening my eyes to the world around me. There is so many amazing things to do and see. I have been reading magazines and taking down websites and researching. I saw a cool restaruant advertized on a car and am going to try it out.

I am going to the San Diego Comicon this summer! I can't even fathom who and what I will see there but I am going to be open to learning and seeing new things. Not closing my eyes and building my blind spot. Look out world! HERE I COME!

Friday, June 12, 2009

My husband's blog

I haven't blogged in a few days because I needed a break! I couldn't even look at a book or any sort of writing for a few days after I got done with the 48 hour Reading Challenge. In fact, I think I watched enough reruns of Saved By the Bell and the Boomerang channel to get me through the next month. By the way, if you have not seen the Boomerang channel on Cox cable and want to get back to your childhood, check it out!
But back to my reason for writing this blog. My husband has started a blog called 25 in 50. He needs to lose 25 pounds because of a bunch of health problems, but he also wants to feel more fit. Now, him being a man, wants a BIG TV. So, we compromised. I told him, he could get his 50 inch TV if he loses 25 pounds. He is really motivated! He started a blog to help himself keep on track. It is still evolving, but I am so proud of him. We are doing Weight Watchers. I have been doing weight watchers for about a year and lost 15 pounds. It is has been helping me keep my weight down. I know that if I need to lose some weight, I just get back on the horse and eat healthier.
Below is my husband's blog! Happy Eating Healthy!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So before I go into the details of my journey, here is a table of what I did over the past 48 hours:

This is my first 48 Hour Book Challenge and it was a TON of fun! I was able to catch up on some of the books I have been meaning to read, but just haven't gotten to. I do have to say, sitting on my butt for as long as I did was a bit of a challenge. I am not one to just sit. I feel guilty when I just SIT! But I guess that is life; always moving and never taking time out for ourselves.

Above is a picture of my puppers Jersey, who is now famous (see blog entry below). She was sitting by my side for the majority of my reading probably to catch whatever snacks I was dropping. I have also included the books I read for the challenge. Oh, and if you can see the BBC Robin Hood, I threw that in for my friend Bethany just to show her I have been snuggling up with her Robin Hood while read (I fear a duel coming soon because of that).
I have reported about Fool, Pride Prejudice and Zombies, and The Watchmen. I started Tales of Beedle the Bard, but I wasn't in the mood. It was cute, but not in the mood. Then I started reading Girl, 15, Charming, but Insane by Sue Limb. It is such a fast read and super cute! It is about a girl who is just trying to figure herself out. She wants the cute boy, bigger boobs, and a normal mother, just like most of us gals did when we were 15. It is worth a read.
I also finished the manuscript I was reading. As I said before..AWESOME!
So, total number of books read: FIVE! WOO HOO! I was pretty shocked at that count! All in all this challenge was a new experience and a well worth it. It was so wonderful to start networking and seeing other blogs . There are so many intelligent people out there I have yet to meet and this challenge really opened up my eyes to what amazing humans we have walking around on this planet!
Until now, I have not told many people about my blog, so it was a liberating experience to say the least. I plan on continuing to write more without fear .
I have to end with the millions of thank yous. #1: To tea, coffee, soda, and any other caffeinated beverages. Without you, I would not have been able to stay up so long. #2: Thank you Pita Jungle and Spicy Pickle. Without you, I would have had to cook. #3: Thank you my WONDERFUL HUSBAND BILL! Without you, I could not have posted pictures, had a formatted table for my hours of reading and blogging, or had time to read! YOU ROCK MY SOCKS!
#4: Thank you to all of my friends and fellow bloggers out there with kind words to keep me going! You all rock as well!
That about wraps it up! Sorry the end sounds like a bad Oscar speech.
To all of you still reading out there, keep on plugging away! You are superstars!
Until next time...
Happy Reading!

And it continues! :) 48hbc

I woke up this morning early and felt super refreshed so I sat on the couch, grabbed my bowl of cereal and finished two books! I finished Fool by Christopher Moore. Oh, what to say about that book....Christopher Moore is a genius. Fool is the story of King Lear told from the Fool's perspective. For those of you who have read Christopher Moore, his books are full of cuss words and other things that I cannot say here, but it is done in such a humorous style. He included many Shakespearean insults as well as a new twist on the stuffy tragedy King Lear. There are many ongoing jokes that stretch throughout this book. I think my favorite joke is
There's always a bloody ghost" The Fool is being helped by a ghost and is sent on a journey by a ghost because "There's always a bloody ghost" in Shakespearean tragedies. What is cool about the ghost plot, is there is a super cool twist that ties everything together at the end of the book. This book is for those of you who do not get easily offended.

The second book I finished was the graphic novel The Watchmen. My hubby has been trying to get me to read it for a while, so since I had some time on my hands, I did. It was just like the movie. The only thing I didn't get was the pirate plot. It was this whole other story. I guess they made a separate movie for that section too. Makes sense.

I have been reading others blogs as well and I am seeing a trend. It looks like Catching Fire is the book to read. I LOVED Hunger Games and I am jealous of all of you out there who are reading it right now! Sigh, I guess I will have to wait.

Well, on to my next book. I have to finish a manuscript of a friend's book, so I am off! I won't be reviewing that one, but I can tell you it is going to be GREAT!

I am about 13:05 hours in. My finish time is at 2:45 p.m. today. I am hoping to get as much reading in before my time is up!

Happy Reading!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bragging rights!

One of the books I am hoping to read for my 48 hbc is The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King. I have been following the author on her blog and sent in my puppy's information for her Wagging Wednesday. Wellllllll...MY PUPPY IS NOW FAMOUS!! Check it out!!

48 Hour Book Challenge Update!

I have officially finished my first book! WOO HOO! I finished Pride Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. It was AWESOME! I think my favorite part in the book was when Elizabeth Bennett and Lady Katherine were having an all out ninja fight over Mr. Darcy (try to wrap your head around that one). Even though it was about zombies, it wasn't all that gruesome. I was pretty surprised. I get queasy and this book didn't make my stomach turn at all. I don't want to write too much about this book because for any Jane Austen lovers, I don't want to ruin it. For those of you who know Pride and Prejudice frontwards and backwards, this book will make you laugh and be very impressed with the author!
I am about 8 1/2 hours into the challenge. My geeky but super cute hubby has been so supportive and has been taking pictures for me and even made me a spreadsheet so I can track my time more efficiently. Gotta love computer geeks and I do love my hubby :). He is MY Mr. Darcy.
I am taking a quick break and then back to Fool by Christopher Moore. I should finish that one tonight and then a review to come after.
Happy reading!